Title: Create Awareness of communities and all stakeholders on the National Climate Change Policy and Ways of Mitigation & Adaptation.
Kind of activity: Town Hall meeting and Capacity Building of the Community Members and other stakeholders on the National Climate change Policy
Date(s): 8th Nov. 2017
The Capacity Building of community members /other stakeholders on Climiate Change Policy and Ways of Adaptation and Mitigations, Group Photographs’ of partic ipants in the Programme.
Venue: Isietitioha Community Hall
Isietitioha in Owaza Along Umuagalaba/Eguisi Road.Owaza ,Ukwa West LGA of Abia State.
Objective of the activity: (This should be sub-objective of the overall objective set out in the project pro
The Objective of the Activity is to sensitize the rural communities and other stakeholders on the effects of climate change and ways of mitigating the Effects through the legal instrument enshrined in the National Climate change Policy and other interventions measures,
Methodology:(What method was used during the activity?) Advocacy
- consultation
- Paper Presentation
- Capacity Building
- Question & Answer Session.
Agenda: (Give a brief on the content of the activity.)
- Opening Prayer
- Opening Remark
- Introduction of the NACGOND/FENRAD Dutch Project
- Presentation on Climate Change and the need for Stakeholders engagement in Mitigation
- Climate Change as it Affect Oil Producing Communities.
- Presentation on the National Climate Change Policy and Stakeholders Commitment
- Discussion, Questions and Answers.
- xt Step
- Refreshment and House Keeping
- Closing Remark and Prayers
Expected activities to be undertaken: (As contained in the Log Frame)
To Build the Capacity of the Rural Communities of the Effects of Climate Change.
Engagement of the Oil producing Commission in the State to advocate for Climate Related Programme to empower the Oil Host Communities.
To organize a Climate Change Workshop by Leveraging on the National Climate Change Policy
To Engage the State Government and Policy Makers to Consider Climate Change Mitigating Factors as Part of its Policy thrust and through Legislation
and other mitigating Factors in their Area. As one of the oil producing communities which have experienced Oil Spill and Gas flaring, flooding and drought it is pertinent to educate them on the climate change and ways of mitigation. In A paper Presentation by Mr, Bejamin Ubelebe. NACGOND Project officer, Theme; National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria-A Niger Delta Climate Action Programme .The General Objective of the Presentation is Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change. He Stress that The most compelling climate change evidence scientists have of climate change is long term data relating atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature, sea level, the expanse of ice, the
fossil record and the distribution of species. This data, which goes back millions of years, shows a strong correlation between CO2 levels and temperature. Recent data shows a trend of increasing temperature and rising CO2 levels beginning in the early 19th century.
Because all parts of the global climate are connected, scientists have been able to create models of how changes caused by heating should work their way through the entire system and appear in different areas, for example, sea level, intemperate weather, the movement of fish species in the ocean. Testing whether or not predicted changes have occurred is an important way to verify underlying theory. Global warming occurs with the emission of carbon dioxide (Co2) and other pollutants (green house gases) into the atmosphere and these gases absorb sunlight as well as solar radiation retracting from the earth’s surface. This results in a phenomenon called greenhouse effect.
Normally, the radiation from the earth is supposed to escape on its own into space but with the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere, a greenhouse effect occurs causing the earth to become warm.
There are Various Visual Impacts of Climate Change which include. Melting Glaciers .Rising Sea Levels, Flooding and Worsen Drought. Supercell Storms, increasing Tornados and other deforestation Activities that Affect the mango trees and Other Aquatic lives which will Adversely affect our Environment. The Awareness creation was one of its kind as stakeholders are Eager to know the Exploration Activities in their Community and how it Affect the Environment and Areas of Engagement with the IOC in intervention and Mitigation. The Community Development Committee Chairman Mr. Levi Elendu On Behalf of the Traditional Ruler of the Community commended FENRAD/NACGOND for Brining Such Activity and Hope Such Awareness Creation Will Be Sustained to bring to their Knowledge on the climate Change issues and Ways of mitigation. Representative of the Various Communities in Owaza Applauded FENRAD for the Programme and Express Support to partner with the organization in this Initiative to Engage the State Government and IOCs to ndiscuss climate change issues and press for policy direction and Legislation. Comrade Nelson Nnanna Nwafor of FENRAD Urge the Community member to consider Climate change in their Plan and Programme as a thing that has come to stay, so much Awareness have to be created to educate populace of the climate change its mitigation factors. There was Answers and Questions Session where Participants asked various question ranging from deforestation, Environmental Pollution, bush burning, community women sensitization on deforestation and other climatic effects who was answered by the resource Person. It was agreed to set up Environmental Climate change group in the community where there will be periodic Engagement of the members of the community on climate change Advocacy and other interventions that address Environmental challenges in the community.
Follow-up: (is there any opportunity requiring follow up, i.e. commitment of participants or further activities/steps to undertake.) The Awareness Creation Engagement with the
Representatives of the MDAs and The oil producing Companies initiated for the follow up to incorporate it in their programmes and leverage of the platform to engage other sectors in advancing the National Climate Change Policy in the State.
Challenges, gaps, lessons learned and recommendations: (Highlight some challenges encountered during the development and execution of the activity (it may be logistical) and lessons learnt and recommendations. Each identified challenge should have applicable recommendation(s) Identified gaps should be stated which will further enhance the project can be included).
Challenges and Gaps ; 1●,Understanding What is Climate Change was a Difficult one to the Stakeholders as most of them aren’t Aware of the Climate Change issues.
- Government Policy thrust is not geared towards Addressing Climate Change Issues.
- There is no climate change issues consideration in drafting Budgetary Provision in the State.
- The Engagement of the Community Members and Other Stakeholders on Climate Change by the Government of the state is minimal.
- Oil producing Companies in this Areas Didn’t have Policy Direction on Addressing issues of climate change.
- Lesson Learned; The knowledge of Climate change and How to leverage on the knowledge Gained to address Climate change and other Environmental issues associated with Oil exploration and Exploitations.
Unintended outcome and opportunities(if any)
Engagement with The MDAs in the State on climiate change policy and budgetary Allocations
Partnership with Shell Development Plc on community Awareness on Understanding Climiate Change issues and Reducing Emission.
Partnership with Abia State Oil Producing Development Commission and Capacity Building of Rural Women on Climate Change issues by Shell PLC
Direct Beneficiary Feedback. The Community Members and Other Stakeholders Commended NACGOND and FENRAD for the Engagement And Express confidence that the Knowledge Gained will help them Engage Government on Ways of Addressing Climate Change issues and Its Mitigation Strategy.
- List of Participants
- Pictures
- Direct Beneficiary feedback etc.
– Any other relevant attachment
Activity Narrative:
(Give a detailed description of the output which is the scheduled activities intended to result in the outcome. Note that the output must be in line with those stated in the budget outline.)FENRAD as a member of NACGOND and is implementing the Dutch Project, on 8th November 2017.FENRAD held an awareness creation and capacity building of the Stakeholders and Rural Communities on National Climate Change Policy at Isietitioha in Owaza,Ukwa West LGA of Abia State one of the oil Producing Community in Abia State. The meeting is a gathering of Community members and other Stakeholders to educate them on the National Climate Change Policy