FENRAD Memberships

FENRAD is a member of the Nigeria Election Situation Room & Transition monitoring Group (TMG) where her staffs were trained as a team of the organization on training of trainers for election monitoring.

FENRAD has executed a number of projects in election, environment and social justice. The election related projects which the organization had executed are 1999 and 2003 voters’ education in selected communities in Abia State; 2003 and 2007 training of election observers; also in 2007, we facilitated the State Level Dialogue on MDGs and the 2007 election for political aspirant into elective position. We participated in the monitoring of election in 2007 and 2011 General Election especially in AbiaState..Presently FENRAD recentlyMonitored the CVR & PVC Exercise in both Abia State and Enugu State,

FENRAD is a member of the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG). Nigeria Election Situation Room (SR).

Coalition For business and Human Rights(CBHR) Civil Society Coalition on Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE),

Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA),Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Nigeria, Niger Delta Universal Periodic Review Coalition (UPR) Southeast Development Agenda(SEDA) Southeast Governance Network(SEGON), Green Alliance Network (GEN) West Africa Civil Society Forum (WACSOF)) Nigeria. Climate Change Sustainable Development Network, Nigeria, Niger Delta Anti Corruption Network (NIDAN) .National Coalition on Gas flaring and Oil spills in the Niger Delta (NACGOND). Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).Nigeria Constitutional Review committee.(NCRC). HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK AGENDA (HRAN)