Conduct Environmental Education and Training of Clubs

Title: Conduct Environmental Education and Training of Clubs and Mapping out Action Plan as part of the Niger Delta Action Programme on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Kind of activity; Setting up the Environmental Clubs, Environmental Education and Training on Sustainable Development  and     Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Owaza Secondary School. Owaza,Ukwa West LGA of Abia State.


Date(s):  14th November 2017

Venue: Owaza Secondary School Owaza in Ukwa West LGA

.Abia State. Location;Along Umuokpara/Umungede Road,Owaza Town  in Ukwa West LGA.

The Group Photograph of the Students from Owaza Secondary School in Owaza Ukwa West LGA of Abia State who are the members of the Environmental club and Plant to Plant Academy which was trained.


Participants: (List names and designation, and disaggregate whether male or female. Please provide the participant list as an appendix.


 Objective of the activity: (This should be sub-objective of the overall objective set out in the project proposal)

To engage youth and Secondary School age boys and girls in Environmental Education Directed at forming their minds for a future in the Niger Delta region.


Methodology:  (What method was used during the activity?)

  • Advocacy
  • consultation
  • Dialogue
  • Capacity Building
  • Mentoring and Training.



  • Self introduction
  • Brief introduction of NACGOND/FENRAD and their activities
  • Over view of the proposed project, project objective and expected outcome

Inauguration of the School Club, Training and mentoring

  • Mapping out Action for Future Engagement
  • Response by the Head of the School
  • Photograph


Foundation For Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development(FENRAD)  being the implementer of NACGOND/DUTCH Embassy project in Abia State on 14th November 2017 Conducted  Environmental Education  and Climate Change training  Owaza Secondary School in Owaza Asa, Ukwa West LGA of .Abia State as one of the Environmental Clubs set up in the Implementation of the Project

  1. The purpose of the training is to reawaken in the youths the consciousness of current environmental challenges and Education.
  2. To create awareness on how climate change impacts on the society

To raise awareness of the need to take positive environmental action and Education and to inaugurate Environmental and Climate Change Clubs

In a presentation on CLIMIATE CHANGE & DEFORESTATION, comrade Nelson Nwafor stress the need to sustain the Environment Education  and inculcate the spirit of environmental friendliness in the students, He stress that the importance of Tree planting as following as a ways of checking mate Climiate Change issues and Addressing the Following

  1. Protection of Building against Windstorm and Erosion
  2. Provision of Food/fruits
  3. Remove odour and Pollution,Emissions(such as sulphur dioxide,ozone,amnonia etc)
  4. Beautifying the Environment
  5. Provide wool as fossil fuel(For cooking and raw materials for paper & Furniture Making
  6. Reduce CO2 and provides O2 for Human uses
  7. Finally Control Erosion in the coastal Areas.


  1. He stress that the increasing trend of pollution and hazard experience in the rural Areas is alarming and is the major causes of communicable disease experienced among the youths and classes of the society and Appreciate NACGOND for selecting the School as one of the School where the Environmental Clubs and Plant-to-plant Academy was launched

. The participants were trailed through a power-point presentation on the Climiate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Tips on tree planting with various different types of trees and the planting process/ways to mitigate the Effects of climiate change and Sustain Environmental Education and Raise Environmental Champions and Vanguard.

During the Answer & Question Session, there were various Question by the pupils concerning tree planting and climate change which was given adequate answers and enlightenment

There was Painting Competition, Quiz competition which was contested among the students and prizes were given to the winners. The programme featured Inauguration of the Plant-plant Academy, Tree planting Ceremony/Inauguration of Environmental and Climate Change Clubs.

Action plan and Group Visioning by the Environmental Clubs

  1. Develop a Work Plan for Periodic Engagement of the Relevant Stakeholders in the Environment Sector.

2. Mentoring of Students on Environment and Capacity Building.

3. Periodic Meeting of the Environmental Clubs & Plant-to-plant Academy and membership Drive in the School.

 4. Town Hall meeting and Periodic Engagement of the Environmental Clubs.

5 .Develop a Working Module to establish the Curriculum in the Territary Institutions.

6. Partnership with Government Agencies & Parastals in programme       Planning and Execution.


@ To keep the street and our compound clean every weekend and stop bush burning and interest to be a volunteer of NACGOND.

@maintain physical environment and cleanliness.

@All the citizens should learn how to manage refuse and dump refuse at the appropriate Place.

@ Avoid Pollutions and Bush burning in the community

@ Start aggressive Tree planting and get membership of the Plant-to-Plant Academy and Increase Awareness on Environmental Education.

                            Pictures of the School Advocacy visit by FENRAD at vIctory College.


Follow-up: (is there any opportunity requiring follow up, i.e. commitment of participants or further activities/steps to undertake.)

 The School Head was happy for the choice of the School and for the Establishment of the Environmental School Club and the Enchanced Capacity of the Selected Students  and promise to ensure that Climate change will be included in their school curriculum and continue to support student who have knowledge on Environmental issues for their capacity to be build to engage and address emerging environmental threat and become champions. He promised to open door for the organization in future dealings and engagement.


Expected achievement of the activity:

  • Project acceptability by the School Head
  • The Knowledge Gained during the Training
  • Increase Awareness on climiate Change
  • Establishment of more Environmental Clubs and Plant-to-plant Academy
  • Two teachers assigned to Sustain the mentor the 30 students from Junior to Senior secondary classes who are members of the club and to oversee the environmental club activities

(Give a brief description of the outcome of the activity regardless of what it was meant to achieve. Note that the actual outcome could be different from the expected one, which should contribute to the production of evidence for milestones.)


Contribution to results: (This part produces the evidence and demonstrates how the activity contributed to the result planned for on the workplan.)


This establishment of the Environmental clubs in the school  is aimed at building the capacity of  Youth and Secondary School age boys and girls in Environmental Education and  forming their minds for a future in the Niger Delta region. The Knowledge gained from the training has improved their capacity to mitigate the issues of Environment and address Emerging Climate Change Challenges in the Global Trend.

 Activity Cost: (What is the actual cost of activity in NGN as compared with the forecast on the work plan?)    The activity cost stood at # 102,300.00

 Challenges, gaps, lessons learned and recommendations:


  • The School Authority at the first approach didn’t buy the idea until much explanations was made as such activity about Environmental Club and Climate change is not included in their school curriculum,
  • The Students are not conversant with issues of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change as much lecture was conducted to integrate their knowledge in the value chain.

 Lessons learned:

  • The School Heads are passionate about the project and eager to team up for the success of the project.


  • Need to involve more schools in the project
  • Need to also set up community environmental Clubs and Plant-to-plant Academy to support the campaign against deforestation and bush burning.
  • Sustain the Education and Capacity Building of the Students on Environmental Issues and Climate Adaptation and Mitigation.

 (Highlight some challenges encountered during the development and execution of the activity (it may be logistical) and lessons learnt and recommendations. Each identified challenge should have applicable recommendation(s) Identified gaps should be stated which will further enhance the project can be included).

Unintended outcome (and opportunities)

 The Activity has created the opportunity For Future Engagement with the Schools for overall improvement of the knowledge of the students and other Environmental intervention Activities.


  • List of Participants
  • Pictures
  • Direct Beneficiary feedback etc.


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